The nucleotide sequence of the 5'-terminal region of the pac gene enco
ding the penicillin G acylase from Kluyvera citrophila ATCC 21285 has
been determined. The transcriptional start site has been identified by
primer extension analysis in a different position to that previously
found for the homologous pac gene of Escherichia coli W ATCC 11105. Tw
o nucleotide changes in the -35 box appear to be responsible of the pr
omoter displacement in K. citrophila. A putative upstream promoter ele
ment (A+T-rich enhancer sequence) and a binding site for the cAMP rece
ptor protein (CRP) were located upstream of the -35 box. Transcription
al lacZ and cat fusions demonstrated that pac expression was subjected
to catabolite repression mediated by cAMP and its receptor protein. R
emarkably, phenylacetic acid which is a potent inducer of the penicill
in G acylase from E. coli, was only able to cause a significant induct
ion of the pac expression in CRP+ cells cultured in the presence of gl
ucose, suggesting that this effect is CRP-dependent.