Formation of the blood clot is a slow but normal physiological process occu
rring as a result of the activation of blood coagulation pathways. Nature's
guard against unwanted blood clots is the fibrinolytic enzyme system. In h
ealthy people, there is a delicate dynamic balance between blood clot forma
tion and blood clot dissolution. Available evidence suggests that exercise
and physical training evoke multiple effects on blood hemostasis in normal
healthy subjects and in patients. A single bout of exercise is usually asso
ciated with a transient increase in blood coagulation as evidenced by a sho
rtening of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and increased Facto
r Vm (FVIII). The rise in FVIII is intensity dependent and continues into r
ecovery. The effects of acute exercise on plasma fibrinogen have yielded co
nflicting results. Thus, the issue of whether exercise-induced blood hyperc
oagulability in vitro mirrors an in vivo thrombin generation and fibrin for
mation remains disputable. Exercise-induced enhancement of fibrinolysis has
been repeatedly demonstrated using a wide range of exercise protocols inco
rporating various exercise intensities and durations. Moderate exercise app
ears to enhance blood fibrinolytic activity without a concomitant activatio
n of blood coagulation mechanisms, whereas, very heavy exercise induces sim
ultaneous activation of blood fibrinolysis and coagulation. The increase in
fibrinolysis is due to a rise in tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) a
nd decrease in plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI). The mechanism of exer
cise-induced hyperfibrinolysis is poorly understood, and the physiological
utility of such activation remains unresolved. Strenuous exercise elicits a
transient increase in platelet count, but there are conflicting results co
ncerning the effect of exercise on platelet aggregation and activation. Few
comprehensive studies exist concerning the influence of exercise training
on blood hemostasis, making future investigation necessary to identify whet
her there are favorable effects of exercise training on blood coagulation,
fibrinolysis, and platelet functions.