Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the effect of oral creatine su
pplementation on the decline in peak isokinetic torque of the quadriceps mu
scle group during an endurance test. Methods: Twenty-three active, but untr
ained, male subjects performed isokinetic strength tests on a Cybex ZI dyna
mometer at 180 degrees.s(-1) The protocol consisted of pre- and post-tests
with five sets of 30 maximum volitional contractions with a 1-min rest peri
od between sets. Subjects returned to perform the posttest after 5 d of pla
cebo (4 x 6g glucose.d(-1), N = 12) or creatine (4 x 5g creatine + 1 g gluc
ose d(-1), N = 11) supplementation. Supplements and testing were administer
ed in a double blind fashion. Peak torque was measured during each contract
ion and the 30 contractions were averaged for each set. Results: A three-wa
y mixed ANOVA with one between factor (placebo vs creatine) and two within
factors (pre/post supplementation and sets 1-5) revealed no significant int
eractions, P > 0.05. The placebo vs creatine main effect was also nonsignif
icant, whereas the pre/post and set effects were significant (P < 0.05). Pe
ak torque increased (similar to 3%) from pre- to post-testing, (P = 0.04),
but the absolute magnitude of the differences is unlikely to be of any prac
tical significance. Peak torque decreased from sets 1 to 4, whereas sets 4
and 5 were not different. A priori contrasts comparing the creatine group's
performance pre vs post test for the fourth and fifth sets were nonsignifi
cant (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Based on within and between group comparisons
, we were unable to detect an ergogenic effect of oral creatine supplementa
tion on the decline in peak torque during isokinetic exercise at 180 degree