In studies of macromolecular dynamics it is often desirable to analyze comp
lex motions in terms of a small number of coordinates. Only for simple type
s of motion, e.g., rigid-body motions, these coordinates can be easily cons
tructed from the Cartesian atomic coordinates. This article presents an app
roach that is applicable to infinitesimal or approximately infinitesimal mo
tions, e.g., Cartesian velocities, normal modes, or atomic fluctuations. Th
e basic idea is to characterize the subspace of interesting motions by a se
t of (possibly linearly dependent) vectors describing elementary displaceme
nts, and then project the dynamics onto this subspace. Often the elementary
displacements can be found by physical intuition. The restriction to small
displacements facilitates the study of complicated coupled motions and per
mits the construction of collective-motion subspaces that do not correspond
to any set of generalized coordinates.
As an example for this technique, we analyze the low-frequency normal modes
of proteins up to approximate to 20 THz (600 cm(-1)) in order to see what
kinds of motions occupy which frequency range. This kind of analysis is use
ful for the interpretation of spectroscopic measurements on proteins, e.g.,
inelastic neutron scattering experiments.