The allergy-preventing effect of breast-feeding remains controversial, poss
ibly because of individual variations in the composition of the breast milk
. Recently, we showed that allergic mothers had higher concentrations of IL
-4 and lower concentrations of ovalbumin-specific IgA in their breast milk
than nonallergic mothers. The aim of this study was to investigate the conc
entrations of chemokines and cytokines that are chemotactic to cells involv
ed in allergic reactions in breast milk from allergic and nonallergic mothe
rs. Cytokine and chemokine concentrations were determined with ELISA in col
ostrum and mature milk samples from 23 mothers with and 25 mothers without
atopic symptoms. IL-8 was detected in all milk samples. RANTES (regulated o
n activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted), eotaxin, and IL-16 wer
e detected in 50%, 76%, and 48%, respectively, in colostrum and less common
ly in mature milk. Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha, however, could
not be detected in any of the samples. The concentrations of IL-8 and RANTE
S were higher in breast milk from allergic, compared with nonallergic, moth
ers. In conclusion, the presence of chemoattractant factors in breast milk
may be responsible for the traffic of leukocytes from the maternal circulat
ion to the breast milk. The higher concentrations of RANTES and IL-8 in all
ergic mothers may partly explain the controversy regarding the protective e
ffect of breast-feeding against the development of allergy by stronger chem
otaxis and activation of cells involved in allergic diseases, and possibly
by elevated IgE production.