In recent years, physicists have started applying concepts and methods of s
tatistical physics to study economic problems. The word "Econophysics" is s
ometimes used to refer to this work. Much recent work is focused on underst
anding the statistical properties of financial time series. One reason for
this interest is that financial markets are examples of complex interacting
systems for which a huge amount of data exist and it is possible that fina
ncial time series viewed from a different perspective might yield new resul
ts. This article reviews the results of three recent phenomenological studi
es - (i) The probability distribution of stock price fluctuations. Stock pr
ice fluctuations occur in all magnitudes, in analogy to earthquakes - from
tiny fluctuations to drastic events, such as market crashes. The distributi
on of price fluctuations decays with a power-law tail well outside the Levy
stable regime and describes fluctuations that differ by as much as eight o
rders of magnitude. In addition, this distribution preserves its functional
form for fluctuations on time scales that differ by three orders of magnit
ude, fi om I min up to approximately 10 d. (ii) Correlations in financial t
ime series: While price fluctuations themselves have rapidly decaying corre
lations, the magnitude of fluctuations measured by either the absolute valu
e or the square of the price fluctuations has correlations that decay as a
power-law and persist for several months. (iii) Correlations among differen
t companies: The third result bears on the application of random matrix the
ory to understand the correlations among price fluctuations of any two diff
erent stocks. From a study of the eigenvalue statistics of the cross-correl
ation matrix constructed from price fluctuations of the leading 1000 stocks
, we find that the largest approximate to 1% of the eigenvalues and the cor
responding eigenvectors show systematic deviations from the predictions for
a random matrix, whereas the rest of the eigenvalues conform to random mat
rix behavior - suggesting that these 1% of the eigenvalues contain system-s
pecific information about correlated time evolution of different companies.
(C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.