The addition of vinyl, aryl and alkynyl Grignard reagents to propargyl alco
hols for the direct synthesis of dihydroxydienes (7), furans (9), butenolid
es (10) and enediyne alcohols (11) from a one-pot reaction involving a puta
tive magnesium chelate intermediate (3) is described. Treatment of 5-bromo-
1,3-pentadiene with indium metal in the presence of carbonyl compounds resu
lted in gamma-pentadienylation to generate 1,4-dienes (30). Dehydration aff
orded cross-conjugated trienes (31) for tandem Diels-Alder reactions, while
the alcohol product (31) from an unsaturated aldehyde after oxy-Cope rearr
angement afforded the 1,4-diene product (35) and ultimately hydrindane (36)
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