A research synthesis was conducted with six studies which correlated self-r
atings of emotion (affect balance or pleasantness-unplesantness and emotion
al intensity) with the nations' socio-economic, ecological and cultural cha
racteristics (Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Power D
istance national scores in Hofstede's dimensions). The meta-analysis shows
that power distance and uncertainty avoidance has an homogenous significant
and medium effect size with unpleasantness of emotional experience. Cultur
al masculinity shows a medium-low homogeneous effect size on emotional unpl
easantness. Individualism shows a non homogenous positive association with
emotional pleasantness. Multivariate analyses show that power distance was
related to lower social desirability and intensity of positive and negative
emotions. Results support the assumption that high power distance cultures
deemphasize emotional experience by normative means. Uncertainty avoidance
shows a positive association with emotional intensity. Hume's assumption t
hat climatic effects on the subjective experience of emotions disappear whe
n social and cultural factors are taken into account was supported.