This research investigates the livelihood systems of two mountain villages
in the northwest Himalaya, focussing or? household strategies of diversific
ation as a means of maintaining livelihood security Field research was carr
ied out with women of different age and caste from 32 households. Eight str
ategies were found to be of particular importance: (1) the diversification
of activities and household inputs, (2) the maintenance of crop biodiversit
y and landscape diversity in the agricultural system, (3) the increased neg
otiations with the market, (4) the reliance on agricultural wage labour (5)
the building up and drawing down of household inventories, (6) the relianc
e on common property resources, (7) the development of social networks, and
(8) the formation of community groups. Policy for sustainable livelihoods
in mountain ecosystems must be firmly rooted in an understanding of these c
omplex strategies and the knowledge of women's own efforts to ensure that t
heir households are secure and resilient.