We present a multivariate statistical interpolation method for optimal aver
aging of incomplete climatological data. This objective analysis is based o
n a linear regression of the data under the constraints of unbiasedness and
minimized analysis error variance. One of the important features of the pr
esented interpolation is the efficient, exchange of common information betw
een the analysed variables. This exchange is controlled by the covariances
and leads to a remarkable reduction of the analysis error variance compared
with the univariate optimal interpolation. The second moment statistics ar
e estimated exclusively on the basis of the given data using empirical orth
ogonal functions (EOFs).
Another important feature of the analysis is the partition of the entire an
alysis area into subregions. The estimation of the covariances and the calc
ulation of the EOFs are carried out in each of these subregions separately.
This results in a robust covariance estimation, and the regional dynamical
characteristics are taken into account as well. The analysis is applied to
the monthly horizontal wind data of the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Dat
a Set (COADS). Uni-, bi-, and trivariate analyses of the vector wind and th
e scalar wind velocity are performed for the Januaries 1951-1993 restricted
to the Atlantic Ocean. The results show a remarkable decrease of the analy
sis error when the number of simultaneously analysed variables is increased