Twenty-eight genotypes belonging to diverse groups of groundnut (Arachis hy
pogaea L.) were screened for seed dormancy using three different methods, v
iz., in situ sprouting, sowing in petriplates, and field germination test.
All three methods of screening were able to discriminate effectively betwee
n dormant and non-dormant types and, in addition, the petriplate test was a
ble to identify fresh seed dormancy types within the non-dormant category.
Four genotypes from ssp. fastigiata variety vulgaris, i.e., TG-17, ICGS-37,
ICGS-19, and J-11 had fresh seed dormancy ranging from 20-30 days while th
e remaining genotypes in this group were found to be non-dormant. All the g
enotypes from ssp. hypogaea had appreciable levels of seed dormancy except
Somnath (Virginia Runner group) and GG-20 (Virginia Bunch group). The field
sprouting method was, however, the easiest and most convenient method for
identifying genotypes with seed dormancy within the segregating material.