Experimental grassland ecosystems, in microcosms 0.2 m in diameter and
with a 0.95 m soil column, varied in their responses to elevated part
ial pressure of CO2 (pCO(2)) and altered moisture inputs. Ecosystems o
n moderately fertile sandstone soil and with a typical mix of moderate
ly fast-growing sandstone species, responded to elevated pCO(2) with d
ecreases in mid-season evapotranspiration of nearly 50%. This pattern
reversed at the end of the growing season, and sandstone ecosystems un
der elevated pCO(2) continued active transpiration farther into the su
mmer drought. The sandstone ecosystems appeared to convert mid-season
water conservation into increased late-season growth. Effects of incre
ased pCO(2) on ecosystem evapotranspiration were much smaller in ecosy
stems with very infertile serpentine soil and a diverse mixture of slo
w-growing serpentine species.