A clinical and biologic study was conducted in Morocco to assess the effici
ency of antivenom therapy for treating victims of scorpion stings. Epidemio
logic and clinical data were collected from 275 patients envenomed by Andro
ctonus mauretanicus mauretanicus and Buthus occitanus scorpions. Patients r
eceived antivenom or other drugs. Blood samples were collected at the time
of hospital admission and 1 hr and 3 hr after treatment. Serum venom levels
were quantified by using an ELISA. An association was found between clinic
al signs of envenoming and the level of venom in serum. Patients classified
as grade II (moderate envenoming) had higher serum levels of venom level t
han patients classified as grade I (mild envenoming). At admission to the h
ospital, the mean venom concentration was not significantly different betwe
en the group not treated with antivenom, the group who received 2-5 ml of a
ntivenom, and the group who received 10 ml of antivenom. A significant decr
ease in serum venom levels and an improvement in the clinical conditions we
re observed in patients administered 10 ml of antivenom. The lower decrease
in serum venom levels in patients who received 2-5 ml of antivenom was due
to lower doses of antivenom. No difference in the venom concentration was
observed in patients who were not treated with antivenom. The absence of ad
ministration of antivenom increased the risk of developing clinical signs a
t the end of the hospitalization period. However, this risk was much higher
when more than 1 hr elapsed between the time of the scorpion sting and the
time of hospital admission. The results demonstrate that antivenom is effe
ctive in decreasing circulating venom and morbidity. Serotherapy is more ef
ficient when given as soon as possible after envenomation and with adequate
quantities of antivenom.