The primary objectives of this study, carried out in Qalyubia Governorate i
n Egypt (south-central Nile Delta), were to continue tracking historical tr
ends of infection prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium, det
ermine whether satellites (ezbas) of mother villages differed significantly
with respect to schistosomiasis transmission, and to asses schistosomiasis
-induced morbidity on a population basis using ultrasonography. Our study r
evealed that S. haematobium has virtually disappeared from Qalyubia,governo
rate, and that S. mansoni prevalence continues to decline slowly (17% in 19
91 compared with 19% in 1990). The prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis
was actually higher in the mother villages than in the ezbas of the same v
illages, indicating that prevalence based on surveys of villages alone did
not (at least for Qalyubia) cause underestimates of hue prevalence. (A moth
er village is the large village in an area that includes hamlets or ezbas.
In many areas, the infection rate in ezbas is significantly higher than in
the larger central village.) Ultrasonographic studies revealed that less th
an 3% of the population had stage 2 or stage 3 periportal fibrosis, commonl
y associated with chronic schistosomiasis mansoni. This low level of morbid
ity was consistent with earlier data from Qalyubia, which also showed a low
level of S. mansoni-induced morbidity in this governorate.