Experimental data suggests that growth hormone and IGF-1 have beneficial ef
fects on myocardial function in animal models of heart failure. Preliminary
evidence suggests an abnormality in the growth hormone-IGF-l axis in heart
failure with relative growth hormone resistance. Beneficial effects of gro
wth hormone and IGF-1 include vasodilatation, stimulation of cardiac hypert
rophy, increase in calcium sensitivity of cardiac myofilaments and preventi
on of apoptosis. Recently, cardiac cachexia has been shown to be a powerful
negative predictive factor in heart failure. Cachectic patients have highe
r angiotensin II levels. In the rat there is an important interaction betwe
en the renin-angiotensin system and IGF-1. Thus, angiotensin II infusion ca
uses weight loss in part through a catabolic effect. This effect results fr
om increased protein degradation. Angiotensin II reduces circulating and sk
eletal muscle IGF-1 but increases IGF-1 and the IGF-IR expression in cardia
c muscle. Preliminary data suggest a potential beneficial effect of growth
hormone in heart failure. Further trials are necessary to test the potentia
l beneficial effect of growth hormone and/or IGF-1 in heart failure.