We have developed a method for the analysis of microsatellite data tha
t is useful in the elucidation of the demographic history of populatio
ns. This method, the P-K distribution method of pairwise comparisons,
is analogous to the mismatch distribution of sequence comparisons deve
loped for the analysis of mitochondrial sequence data by Rodgers and H
arpending and is defined as the distribution of the number of repeat u
nit differences between alleles when each allele in a sample is compar
ed with every other allele in the sample. Using computer simulations o
f microsatellite loci, we show that the shape of the distribution of P
-K changes in a distinctive manner as a function either of time since
population expansion or effective population size. Increases in both o
f these affect the P-K distribution in a similar fashion leading to a
change from a steep distribution with a P-0 peak to one with a nonzero
peak. Analysis of three data sets from surveys of microsatellite loci
in ethnographically defined populations reveals that most (9/12) of t
he African populations analyzed, but none of the 30 non-African popula
tions showed P-K distributions with nonzero peaks. These P-K distribut
ions indicate either an earlier expansion or a larger effective popula
tion size for African populations. This observation is consistent with
the hypothesized African origin of modern human.