Immunologic tolerance to oncogenic avian leukosis virus (ALV) is mediated,
in part, by the interaction of endogenous ALV (EV) envelope and immune comp
etent cells. A flow cytometry method is described for detecting the EV enve
lope in chicken plasma or serum. The method employs two types of target red
blood cells (RBC) obtained from chickens lacking EV; RBC susceptible to EV
infection (containing EV receptors), and those resistant to EV infection (
lacking EV receptors). RBC from susceptible chickens will bind EV envelope
glycoprotein (gp85) when present in plasma, The gp85-bound RBC are subseque
ntly incubated with a highly specific chicken alloantibody, termed R2, Usin
g flow cytometry, gp85 is detected indirectly with a fluoresceine-tagged an
tibody to chicken immunoglobulin; plasmas lacking gp85 are nonreactive and
fluorescence remains at a background level, Because RBC from resistant chic
kens are nonreactive regardless of the presence or absence of EV gp85, a sp
ecific binding index was calculated to compare relative binding of EV gp85
on susceptible and resistant RBC, and thus identify chickens that express E
V gp85, The specificity of the assay was demonstrated using plasma from chi
ckens of 14 standard laboratory lines previously defined for EV envelope ex
pression including two sets of highly congenic lines that differ in EV expr
ession. This assay detects differences attributable to EV gp85 in chickens
of commercial breeding lines of White Leghorns and broilers. Moreover, if c
hickens lack EV, the R2 plasma assay can differentiate between EV-susceptib
le and EV-resistant siblings.