Ruthenium Red (RuR; ruthenium oxychloride ammoniated) stimulated the releas
e of hepatic lipase (HTGL) activity from primary cultured rat hepatocytes i
nto medium in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The RuR-stimulated release
of HTGL activity was suppressed by tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors (ST-638
and biochanin A). The activity of partially purified TK preparation from h
epatocytes was found to be increased by incubation with RuR, In addition, t
reatment of the hepatocytes with H-89, a potent inhibitor of cAMP-dependent
protein kinase (PKA), decreased the stimulatory release of HTGL activity b
y RuR. Moreover, cAMP content in RuR-incubated hepatocytes was rapidly incr
eased, and activation of PKA was observed. The RuR-stimulated release of HT
GL activity is also inhibited by uncouplers and glycosylation inhibitors, I
n addition, incorporation of [H-3]leucine into protein was increased in the
present of RuR, Under marked inhibition of protein synthesis by cyclohexim
ide, RuR still showed a full effect on the release of HTGL activity. These
results suggest that RuR stimulates the release of HTGL activity through me
chanisms of action involving TK- and PKA-activating pathways, which require
a metabolic energy-sensitive process rather than elevation of enzyme molec
ule synthesis.