Objective To investigate the views of Finnish doctors concerning fetal scre
Design Anonymous, questionnaire survey conducted in 1996-1997.
Population A representative sample of gynaecologists, paediatricians and ge
neral practitioners in Finland. Both leading doctors and ordinary practitio
ners were included.
Results Most doctors said that serum screening for Down's syndrome and ultr
asound screening for structural abnormalities should be available for all p
regnant women. In response to more direct questions, doctors acknowledged m
any drawbacks to Down's serum screening, notably the worry due to false pos
itives. Only a few were against abortion, and a fifth said fetal screening
is partly based on a eugenic ideology. There were some differences between
the different doctor groups, bur the overall impression was of similarity r
ather than divergence, both between the different specialist groups, and by
the position of the doctor (leading vs ordinary).
Conclusions Finnish doctors support current fetal screening, but many ackno
wledged resulting ethical, psychological, and social problems.