Pm. Marcus et al., Cigarette smoking, N-acetyltransferase 2 acetylation status, and bladder cancer risk: A case-series meta-analysis of a gene-environment interaction, CANC EPID B, 9(5), 2000, pp. 461-467
Tobacco use is an established cause of bladder cancer. The ability to detox
ify aromatic amines, which are present in tobacco and are potent bladder ca
rcinogens, is compromised in persons with the N-acetyltransferase 2 slow ac
etylation polymorphism. The relationship of cigarette smoking with bladder
cancer risk therefore has been hypothesized to be stronger among slow acety
lators, The few studies to formally explore such a possibility have produce
d inconsistent results, however. To assess this potential gene-environment
interaction in as many bladder cancer studies as possible and to summarize
results, we conducted a meta-analysis using data from 16 bladder cancer stu
dies conducted in the general population (n = 1999 cases). Most had been co
nducted in European countries. Because control subjects were unavailable fo
r a number of these studies, we used a case-series design, which can be use
d to assess multiplicative gene-environment interaction without inclusion o
f control subjects. A case-series interaction odds ratio (OR) >1.0 indicate
s that the relationship of cigarette smoking and bladder cancer risk is str
onger among slow acetylators as compared with rapid acetylators, We observe
d an interaction between smoking and N-acetyltransferase 2 slow acetylation
(OR, 1.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-1.6) that was somewhat stronger whe
n analyses were restricted to studies conducted in Europe (OR, 1.5; confide
nce interval, 1.1-1.9), a pooling that included nearly 80% of the collected
data. Using the predominantly male European study population and assuming
a 2.5-fold elevation in bladder cancer risk from smoking, we estimated that
the population attributable risk percent was 35% for slow acetylators who
had ever smoked and 13% for rapid acetylators who had ever smoked. These re
sults suggest that the relationship of smoking and bladder cancer is strong
er among slow acetylators than among rapid acetylators.