A total of 305 consecutive Kuwaiti children with psoriasis were studied for
clinical features and 50 children were tissue typed for HLA class I and cl
ass II antigens. The salient features of psoriasis in these children includ
ed: female preponderance (M:F ratio, 1 : 1.5); peak age of onset between 2
and 8 years; scalp as the most common site of onset (30%); scalp and extens
ors of legs as commonly affected sites (52.5% each); plaque psoriasis the m
ost common clinical type (89%); and a positive family history of psoriasis
in 34% of the patients. Kuwaiti children with psoriasis showed a significan
t association with HLA-A3, Cw1, and DR7 antigens and those with a positive
family history of psoriasis had a significant association with HLA-DR8 anti