Objective: The diagnosis of infection in critically ill patients is challen
ging because traditional markers of infection are often misleading. For exa
mple, serum concentrations of calcitonin precursors are increased in patien
ts with infections. However, their predictive accuracy for the diagnosis of
sepsis in unselected patients in a medical intensive care unit (ICU) is un
known. Therefore, we compared the usefulness of serum concentrations of cal
citonin precursors, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and lactate for the
diagnosis of sepsis in consecutive patients suffering from a broad range of
diseases with an anticipated stay of greater than or equal to 24 hrs in a
medical ICU.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: Medical intensive care unit in a university medical center, Patien
ts: 101 consecutive critically ill patients.
Intervention: None.
Measurements and Main Results: Blood samples were collected at various time
points during the course of the disease. Systemic inflammatory response sy
ndrome, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock were diagnosed according to
standardized criteria, and patients were reclassified daily without prior
knowledge of the serum concentrations of calcitonin precursors or interleuk
in-6. At admission, 99% of the patients had systemic inflammatory response
syndrome, 53% had sepsis, and 5% developed sepsis during their stay in the
ICU. Calcitonin precursors, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and lactate
levels increased with the severity of infection (p <.01, one-way analysis o
f variance). In a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, calcito
nin precursors were found to be the most reliable laboratory variable for t
he diagnosis of sepsis as compared with C-reactive protein, interleukin-6,
and lactate (p <.01, for each comparison). Calcitonin precursor concentrati
ons of >1 ng/mL had sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 94% for the diagn
osis of sepsis. High serum concentrations of calcitonin precursors were ass
ociated with poor prognosis (p =.01).
Conclusions: In a medical ICU, serum calcitonin precursor concentrations ar
e more sensitive and are specific markers of sepsis as compared with serum
C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and lactate levels.