We analysed the distribution of native and alien plant species across 20 ec
ogeographic zones of northwestern Kenya. The source pool for the majority o
f aliens was Europe and America. Thus, the source pool has a biogeographic
bias which explains the low proportion of aliens in the tropics: most speci
es in the European or American source pool are not well adapted to tropical
conditions. As expected, native and alien plant species showed an area eff
ect. Correcting for this area effect, species rich zones showed a higher pr
oportion of alien plant species in their flora. At the analysed scale, spec
ies richness of native plant communities does not increase the resistance t
o invasions and alien plant species invade diversity hotspots. Compared to
the other ecogeographic zone, the urban area around Nairobi showed an incre
ased richness in alien and native plant species. This is very similar to fi
ndings in Europe, although the history of urbanisation is much shorter in K
enya. The species turnover between zones (beta-diversity) shows a similar p
attern in native and alien plant species. Within a very short time scale th
e alien plant species mapped the biogeographic patterns of natives, althoug
h the geography of human activities influences the propagule pressure.