Antioxidants in the blood plasma of rats were measured as part of a compreh
ensive, multilaboratory validation study searching for noninvasive biomarke
rs of oxidative stress. For this initial study an animal model of CCl4 pois
oning was studied. The time (2, 7, and 16 h) and dose (120 and 1200 mg/kg,
intraperitoneally)-dependent effects of CCl4 on plasma levels of alpha-toco
pherol, coenzyme Q (CoQ), ascorbic acid, glutathione (GSH and GSSG), uric a
cid, and total antioxidant capacity were investigated to determine whether
the oxidative effects of CCl4 would result in losses of antioxidants from p
lasma. Concentrations of alpha-tocapherol and CoQ were decreased in CCl4-tr
eated rats. Because of concomitant decreases in cholesterol and triglycerid
es, it was impossible to dissociate oxidation of alpha-tocopherol and the l
oss of CoQ from generalized lipid changes, due to liver damage. Ascorbic ac
id levels were higher with treatment at the earliest time point; the ratio
of GSH to GSSG generally declined, and uric acid remained unchanged. Total
antioxidant capacity showed no significant change except for 16 h after the
high dose, when it was increased. These results suggest that plasma change
s caused by liver malfunction and rupture of liver cells together with a de
crease in plasma lipids do not permit an unambiguous interpretation of the
results and impede detection of any potential changes in the antioxidant st
atus of the plasma. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.