The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of the effects
of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) on the mammographic breast patt
ern in postmenopausal women. In a hospital-based study mammographic ex
aminations of 81 postmenopausal women were evaluated retrospectively,
before and after 1-2 years of treatment with oestrogens or a combinati
on of oestrogens and progestagens. Each individual mammographic film w
as examined separately and the glandular tissue was classified accordi
ng to a modified Wolfe classification. In a screening-centre-based stu
dy two consecutive mammograms, with a 2-year interval, of 645 women, o
f whom 70 were using some kind of hormone therapy, were evaluated retr
ospectively. In the hospital-based study 31% of patients treated with
combination HRT showed an increase in fibroglandular tissue compared w
ith only 8.7% in the group treated with oestrogens alone. The differen
ce was statistically significant (p = 0.046). In the screening-based s
tudy 14.3% of the women using hormonal therapy showed an increase, whe
reas in the non-users no increase was found (p = 1.24 x 10(-10)). Afte
r beginning HRT many women (between 14 and 25% in our experience) can
be expected to undergo a mammographically detectable increase in fibro
glandular tissue. Radiologists should be aware of the aetiology of suc
h changes, and can obtain information on HRT most conveniently by havi
ng the technologist routinely question each patient.