Although great progress has been made in both the investigation and treatme
nt of infertility, a considerable number of patients still fail to conceive
. Spermatogenic failure and/or oocyte ageing appear to be responsible for a
large proportion of cases. The use of donor gametes may bring legal, ethic
al and even social problems of acceptance that can discourage infertile cou
ples from the donor route. Fortunately, emerging reproductive technologies
and preliminary results from animal experiments provide some hope for alter
native sources of gametes through which these infertile patients can finall
y conceive their own genetic child. In conjunction with intracytoplasmic sp
erm injection (ICSI), fertilization of human oocytes with immature sperm pr
ecursors, e.g, spermatids and even secondary spermatocytes, has resulted in
healthy babies, Pregnancies have also resulted from the use of spermatids
derived from in-vitro spermatogenesis. In the mouse, even primary spermatoc
ytes appear able to participate in normal embryogenesis. In view of the pos
sibility for transplantation and even xenotransplantation of spermatogonia
to a host testis in animals, a similar use of human male stem cells might p
rovide an attractive source for the treatment of males with arrested sperma
togenesis, as well as male cancer patients. Transplantation of somatic cell
nuclei and their haploidization within oocytes may prove to be a practical
way of eradicating age-related aneuploidy and so constitute an innovative
source of healthy oocytes. Most importantly, however, the safety of the pro
cedures described here needs to be proven before their application to the h
uman arena. Finally, we discuss the implications of cytoplasmic quality and
of genetic imprinting in the context of these manipulations.