Public-key certification is of crucial importance for advancing the global
information Infrastructure, yet it suffers from certain ambiguities and lac
k of understanding and precision. This paper suggests a few steps toward ba
sing public-key certification and public-key infrastructures on firmer theo
retical key. In particular, we investigate the notion of binding a public t
o an entity.
We propose a calculus for deriving conclusions from a given entity Alice's
(for instance, a judge's) view consisting of evidence and inference rules v
alid in Alice's world. The evidence consists of statements made by public k
eys (e.g., certificates, authorizations, or recommendations), statements ma
de physically toward Alice by other entities, and trust assumptions. Conclu
sions are about who says a statement, who owns or is committed to a public
key, and who transfers a right or authorization to another entity, and are
derived by applying the inference rules.