When contrast agents are injected in a fluid, it is implicitly assumed that
they move at the same velocity as the fluid itself. However, a series of i
n vitro tests performed by using air-filled microbubbles suspended in disti
lled water, have shown that the Doppler spectrum generated in this case may
be notably different from that obtained from non-resonating scatterers. In
this paper, we show, through a simple simulation model, that the actual mo
vement of microbubbles may be predicted as the result of the complex balanc
e between two forces: the ultrasound radiation force, which tends to move t
he particles along the sound beam direction, and the fluid drag force, whic
h tends to move the particles along the fluid stream. The contrast agents t
urn out to be displaced only during the passage of the ultrasound burst; du
ring the remaining time, they are maintained at the fluid velocity by the d
rag force. Based on the total particle displacement estimated between conse
cutive pulses, a series of Doppler spectra corresponding to different inten
sity levels was computed. This series was shown to be in excellent agreemen
t with the experimental spectra obtained in vitro using Levovist(R) (Scheri
ng AG, Berlin, Germany) particles suspended in distilled water Rowing at a
steady rate.