A number of related heterocyclic amines that are mutagenic in bacteria
l test systems and carcinogenic in animals are formed during the cooki
ng of food. The most commonly reported and abundant compounds are PhIP
, MeIQx, DiMeIQx, IQ and A alpha C. Using analysis by solid-phase extr
action and HPLC, amounts found in foods range from less than one ng/g
for products from fast-food restaurants, up to 14 ng/g in commercially
cooked products and over 300 ng/g for well done flame-grilled chicken
breast meat. Interestingly, marinating meat for 4 h greatly reduces t
he amount of PhIP produced during cooking, but not MeIQx. Comparing mu
tagenic activity in meat samples to the mutagenic activity accounted f
or by the known heterocyclic amines shows that most samples have activ
ity that cannot be accounted for by the aromatic amines we can current
ly identify. This suggests that additional compounds are present in th
ese foods and need to be investigated, particularly those grilled over
open flames.