Our desire to elicit a more complete medical history from our patients led
to the implementation of a preoperative computerized interview. We previous
ly demonstrated the effectiveness of the interview by computing its mean co
mpletion time for the overall patient population (n = 120), and further exa
mined the effects of age, gender, and educational level. In this study, we
investigated patient perception of the interview itself. Before and after t
aking the computer interview, we asked the patients to complete a paper and
pencil questionnaire comprised of sixteen questions, expressing their feel
ings toward the computer interview. Responses elicited prior to taking the
computer interview were compared with those obtained afterward. The Stuart-
Maxwell test was used to determine statistically significant differences in
answers before and after the interview. Initial questionnaire responses re
flected a positive attitude toward computer usage which became even stronge
r after the interview. The only negative responses elicited were really mor
e "doctor positive" than "computer negative." We conclude that patients loo
ked favorably upon participating in a computerized medical interview provid
ed that physician-patient contact is maintained.