The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the glycocalyx of the tegument of O
pisthorchis viverrini during maturation from newly excysted juvenile to adu
lt stages were investigated using colloidal iron, ruthenium red and lectin
stainings. The results showed that the glycocalyx was intensely stained by
the first two dyes, thus indicating the presence of relatively high amounts
of negative charges. However, the thickness and intensity of the staining
decreased during the fluke's maturation. Binding studies using lectin probe
s on the surface of adult parasites showed that binding sites for Canavalia
ensiformis (Con A), Triticum vulgaris (WGA) and Ricinus communis I (RCA I)
were present in relative large amounts on the glycocalyx of the adult tegu
ment, whereas those for Dolichos biflorus (DBA) were relatively fewer in nu
mber, and those for Ulex europaeus I (UEA I) were absent. The binding patte
rns of Con A, WGA, RCA I and DBA were generally similar, and the reaction p
roduct was uniformly distributed over the dorsal and ventral surfaces of th
e parasite's body. These bindings, therefore, indicate the presence of D-ma
nnose/D-glucose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine/sialic acid, D-galactose and N-acet
yl-D-galactosamine residues on the glycocalyx of the adult tegument.