Gb. Ten Dam et al., Regulation of alternative splicing of CD45 by antagonistic effects of SR protein splicing factors, J IMMUNOL, 164(10), 2000, pp. 5287-5295
CD45 is a transmembrane glycoprotein possessing tyrosine phosphatase activi
ty, which is involved in cell signaling. CD45 is expressed on the surface o
f most leukocytes and can be alternatively spliced by the inclusion or skip
ping of three variable exons (4, 5, and 6 or A, B, and C) to produce up to
eight isoforms, In T cells, the splicing pattern of CD45 isoforms changes a
fter activation; naive cells express high m.w. isoforms of CD45 which predo
minantly express exon A (CD45RA), whereas activated cells lose expression o
f exon A to form low m.w. isoforms of CD45 including CD45RO. Little is know
n about the specific factors controlling the switch in CD45 splicing which
occurs on activation. In this study, we examined the influence of the SR fa
mily of splicing factors, which, like CD45, are expressed in tissue-specifi
c patterns and have been shown to modulate the alternative splicing of a va
riety of transcripts. We show that specific SR proteins have antagonistic e
ffects on CD45 splicing, leading either to exon inclusion or skipping. Furt
hermore, we were able to demonstrate specific changes in the SR protein exp
ression pattern during T cell activation.