D. Chau et al., Ongoing and stimulus-evoked activity of sympathetically correlated neuronsin the intermediate zone and dorsal horn of acutely spinalized rats, J NEUROPHYS, 83(5), 2000, pp. 2699-2707
We have shown previously that in the acutely spinalized anesthetized rat th
e activities of many dorsal horn interneurons (DHN) at the T-10 level are c
orrelated positively with both ongoing and stimulus-evoked renal sympatheti
c nerve activity (RSNA) and therefore may belong to networks generating RSN
A after acute, cervical, spinal transection. In the present study, we recor
ded from both DHN and interneurons in the intermediate zone (IZN) of the T-
10 spinal segment in acutely C-1-transected, chloralose-anesthetized, artif
icially respired rats. The activities of a similar percentage of IZN and DH
N were correlated positively with ongoing RSNA, but the peaks of spike-trig
gered averages of RSNA based on the activity of IZN were larger, relative t
o dummy averages, than spike-triggered averages of RSNA based on the activi
ty of DHN. Sympathetically correlated DHN and IZN differed in their respons
es to noxious somatic stimuli. Most correlated DHN had relatively simple so
matic fields; they were excited by noxious stimulation of the T-10 and near
by dermatomes and inhibited by stimulation of more distal dermatomes. As we
have shown previously, the excitatory and inhibitory fields of these neuro
ns were very similar to fields that, respectively, excited and inhibited RS
NA. On the other hand, the somatic fields of 50% of sympathetically correla
ted IZN were significantly more complex, indicating a difference between ei
ther the inputs or the processing properties of IZN and DHN. Sympatheticall
y correlated IZN and DHN also differed in their responses to colorectal dis
tension (CRD), a noxious visceral stimulus. CRD increased RSNA in 11/15 rat
s and increased the activity of most sympathetically correlated T-10 IZN. O
n the other hand, CRD decreased the activity of a majority of sympathetical
ly correlated T-10 DHN. These observations suggest that the same stimulus m
ay differentially affect separate, putative, sympathoexcitatory pathways, e
xciting one and inhibiting the other. Thus the magnitude and even the polar
ity of responses to a given stimulus may be determined by the modality and
location of the stimulus, the degree to which multiple pathways are affecte
d by the stimulus, and the ongoing activity of presympathetic neurons, at m
ultiple rostrocaudal levels, before stimulation. A multipathway system may
explain the variability in autonomic responses to visceral and somatic stim
uli exhibited in spinally injured patients.