Recently, we identified a region located in the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-
BotC; the proposed locus of respiratory rhythm generation) in which activat
ion of ionotropic excitatory amino acid receptors using DL-homocysteic acid
(DLH) elicits a variety of excitatory responses in the phrenic neurogram,
ranging from tonic firing to a rapid series of high-amplitude, rapid rate o
f rise, short-duration inspiratory bursts that are indistinguishable from g
asps produced by severe systemic hypoxia. Therefore we hypothesized that th
is unique region is chemosensitive to hypoxia. To test this hypothesis, we
examined the response to unilateral microinjection of sodium cyanide (NaCN)
into the pre-BotC in chloralose- or chloralose/urethan-anesthetized vagoto
mized, paralyzed, mechanically ventilated cats. In all experiments, sires i
n the pre-BotC were functionally identified using DLH (10 mM, 21 nl) as we
have previously described. All sites were histologically confirmed to be in
the pre-BotC after completion of the experiment. Unilateral microinjection
of NaCN (1 mM, 21 nl) into the pre-BotC produced excitation of phrenic ner
ve discharge in 49 of the 81 sites examined. This augmentation of inspirato
ry output exhibited one of the following changes in cycle timing and/or pat
tern: 1) a series of high-amplitude, short-duration bursts in the phrenic n
eurogram (a discharge similar to a gasp), 2) a tonic excitation of phrenic
neurogram output, 3) augmented bursts in the phrenic neurogram (i.e., eupne
ic breath ending with a gasplike burst), or 4) an increase in frequency of
phrenic bursts accompanied by small increases or decreases in the amplitude
of integrated phrenic nerve discharge. Our findings identify a locus in th
e brain stem in which focal hypoxia augments respiratory output. We propose
that the respiratory rhythm generator in the pre-BotC has intrinsic hypoxi
c chemosensitivity that may play a role in hypoxia-induced gasping.