The rheological behavior of several associative polymers in aqueous solutio
n was examined by carrying out measurements in steady shear, oscillatory sh
ear, and uniaxial extension. The associative polymers were commercial sampl
es and the solution concentrations were in the 1% range, the range where cl
ose packing of the micelle-like clusters leads to bridging and the formatio
n of large networks. In steady shear, solution viscosities varied from cons
tant values over four decades in shear rate to shear-thinning over the same
four decades. Measurements of the first normal stress difference show that
the solutions were generally moderately elastic in steady shear, up to she
ar rates of 1500 s(-1). These measurements also show that N-1 increased wit
h shear rate in regions of shear thinning, which suggests that the thinning
was a result of microstructure deformation, and not of microstructure brea
kdown as is currently thought. In small-amplitude oscillatory shear, it was
found that the test fluids were linearly viscoelastic and that a one-or tw
o-mode Maxwell model could be fitted to the data. Measurements of extension
al viscosity yielded Trouton ratios in the range of 5-100. Hence the soluti
ons were moderately elastic in extension as well as in shear.
Some of the solutions were found to slip in a parallel-plate rheometer, and
so slip was investigated using that instrument. From measurements of visco
sity with various gap distances in the rheometer, it was found that slip oc
curred when the shear stress exceeded roughly 500 Pa. The viscometric data
were analyzed assuming that there was a clear-liquid layer next to each pla
te, and the results indicate that the slip layer thickness was of order 20
nm, or about the size of a cluster. (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.