Zinc is essential to the structure and function of myriad proteins, includi
ng regulatory, structural and enzymatic, It is estimated that up to 1 % of
the human genome codes for zinc finger proteins. In the central nervous sys
tem, zinc has an additional role as a neurosecretory product or cofactor. I
n this role, zinc is highly concentrated in the synaptic vesicles of a spec
ific contingent of neurons, called "zinc-containing" neurons. Zinc-containi
ng neurons are a subset of glutamatergic neurons. The zinc in the vesicles
probably exceeds 1 mmol/L in concentration and is only weakly coordinated w
ith any endogenous ligand. Zinc-containing neurons are found almost exclusi
vely in the forebrain, where in mammals they have evolved into a complex an
d elaborate associational network that interconnects most of the cerebral c
ortices and limbic structures. Indeed, one of the intriguing aspects of the
se neurons is that they compose somewhat of a chemospecific "private line"
of the mammalian cerebral cortex, The present review outlines (I) the metho
ds used to discover, define and describe zinc-containing neurons; (2) the n
euroarchitecture and synaptology of zinc-containing neural circuits; (3) th
e physiology of regulated vesicular zinc release; (4) the "life cycle" and
molecular biology of vesicular zinc; (5) the importance of synaptically rel
eased zinc in the normal and pathological processes of the cerebral cortex;
and (6) the role of specific and nonspecific stressors in the release of z