Numerous studies have demonstrated the capacity of mechanical strains to mo
dulate cell behavior through several different signaling pathways. Understa
nding the response of ligament fibroblasts to mechanically induced strains
may provide useful knowledge for treating ligament injury and improving reh
abilitation regimens. Biomechanical studies that quantify strains in the an
terior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments have shown that these ligam
ents are subjected to 4-5% strains during normal activities and can be stra
ined to 7.7% during external application of loads to the knee joint. The ob
jective of this study was to characterize the expression of types I and III
collagen in fibroblast monolayers of anterior cruciate and medial collater
al ligaments subjected to equibiaxial strains on flexible growth surfaces (
0.05 and 0.075 strains) by quantifying levels of mRNA encoding these two pr
oteins. Both cyclic strain magnitudes were studied under a frequency of 1 H
z. The results indicated marked differences in responses to strain regimens
not only between types I and III collagen mRNA expression within each cell
type but also in patterns of expression between anterior cruciate and medi
al collateral ligament cells. Whereas anterior cruciate ligament fibroblast
s responded to cyclic strains by expression of higher levels of type-I coll
agen message with almost no significant increases in type-III collagen, med
ial collateral ligament fibroblasts exhibited statistically significant inc
reases in type-III collagen mRNA at all time points after initiation of str
ain with almost no significant increases in type-I collagen. Furthermore, d
ifferences in responses by fibroblasts from the two ligaments were detected
between the two strain magnitudes. In particular, 0.075 strains induced a
time-dependent increase in type-III collagen mRNA levels in medial collater
al ligament fibroblasts whereas 0.05 strains did not. The strain-induced ch
anges in gene expression of these two collagens may have implications for t
he healing processes in ligament tissue. The differences may explain, in pa
rt, the healing differential between the anterior cruciate and medial colla
teral ligaments in vivo.