The chemistry of nitric oxide (NO) has taken on new dimensions since the di
scovery, about a decade ago, of a myriad of biological events that NO parti
cipates in. Many of the foundations of metal-NO chemistry were laid out ear
lier by inorganic chemists and biochemists investigating the structures and
electronic properties of the heme-NO moiety or its model compounds. Certai
nly, the persistent work over the last three decades by chemists working wi
th metal nitrosyls has paid off. Current areas of research in heme-NO chemi
stry include (i) how the NO group approaches and binds to the metal center
(or how it dissociates from the metal center); (ii) the ground state and ex
cited state geometries of the metal-NO fragment; (iii) effects of the trans
axial ligands on NO orientation and/or dissociation; and (iv) N-N bond for
mation from NO molecules catalyzed by heme groups. Copyright (C) 2000 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.