Polymerization reactions in lyotropic liquid crystalline phases have opened
the way to the development of many novel materials. Inter alia, the two-di
mensional self-assembly of amphiphiles in vesicle bilayers has attracted co
nsiderable interest as an ordered reaction medium. In this study we follow
three different routes to polymerize within vesicle bilayer membranes with
a view to preparing novel vesicle-polymer colloids. First, we study the ves
icle formation and the polymerization of functional amphiphiles carrying on
e or two styryl groups. A combination of characterization techniques gives
insights into bilayer properties, polymerization kinetics, and vesicle morp
hology of these (polymerized) vesicles. On the basis of this reference syst
em, we explore the copolymerization of monomers inserted in the matrix of p
olymerizable amphiphiles. On the basis of kinetic and morphological data we
prove that the copolymerization is viable if the polymerizable moieties ar
e adequately chosen with respect to reactivity and location within the amph
iphile matrix. Extremely deformed, albeit stable, vesicles are induced by c
ross-linking inserted monomers with monofunctional amphiphiles. Tn a last s
tep, we attempt the synthesis of two-dimensional interpenetrating networks
employing the previously polymerized amphiphile networks as templates. The
cross-linking of divinylbenzene within cross-linked membranes affords pecul
iar orange-skin-like bilayer morphologies and gives evidence of the feasibi
lity of the concept. Throughout the study, cryogenic electron microscopy ap
pears as an indispensable means to unravel the morphology of the obtained v
esicle-polymer architectures.