Well-drained non-agricultural soils mediate the oxidation of methane direct
ly from the atmosphere, contributing 5 to 10% towards the global methane si
nk(1,2). Studies of methane oxidation kinetics in soil infer the activity o
f two methanotrophic populations: one that is only active at high methane c
oncentrations (low affinity) and another that tolerates atmospheric levels
of methane (high affinity). The activity of the latter has not been demonst
rated by cultured laboratory strains of methanotrophs, leaving the microbio
logy of methane oxidation at atmospheric concentrations unclear(3,4). Here
we describe a new pulse-chase experiment using long-term enrichment with (C
H4)-C-12 followed by shortterm exposure to (CH4)-C-13 to isotopically label
methanotrophs in a soil from a temperate forest. Analysis of labelled phos
pholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) provided unambiguous evidence of methane assim
ilation at true atmospheric concentrations (1.8-3.6 p.p.m.v.). High proport
ions of C-13-labelled C-18 fatty acids and the co-occurrence of a labelled,
branched C-17 fatty acid indicated that a new methanotroph, similar at the
PLFA level to known type II methanotrophs, was the predominant soil micro-
organism responsible for atmospheric methane oxidation.