Chamaegigas intrepidus Dinter is a poikilohydric aquatic plant that lives i
n rock pools on granite outcrops in central Namibia. The pools are filled w
ith water only intermittently during the wet season, and the plants may pas
s through up to 20 rehydration/dehydration cycles during the summer rains.
The potential nitrogen sources for the rehydrated plants are ammonium, whic
h is only present at 10-20 mu M, amino acids, particularly glycine, and ure
a, which is generally present at 20-30 mu M. We show that urea can be utili
sed by plants in the field through the presence of urease in the sediments
of the rock pools. Urease activity is higher in non-submerged than in subme
rged sediments, and it can survive 6 months of complete dryness at temperat
ures up to 60 degrees C. Experiments with [C-14]urea under laboratory condi
tions show that the roots of C. intrepidus are unable to take up urea; whil
e N-15-nuclear magnetic resonance experiments show that [N-15]urea is only
metabolised to labelled glutamine and glutamate after ammonium has been rel
eased by the action of urease. Thus urease plays a vital role in allowing u
rea to be utilised as a major N source in this nutrient-limited aquatic eco