In order to study the relation between the initial aerosol particle sp
ectrum at cloud base and the resulting droplet spectrum in cloud for t
he ''Ground-based Cloud Experiment'' field campaign at the Great Dun F
ell in 1993 numerical model simulations have been performed. The dropl
et spectra were calculated from a microphysical model coupled to a dyn
amic air flow model. The resulting droplet spectra were compared with
cloud droplet spectra measured with a forward scattering spectrometer
probe. The size distribution and chemical composition of the initial a
erosol population were derived from a combination of size distribution
and size-segregated chemical measurements below cloud base. From this
we concluded that the aerosol particles consisted almost entirely of
an inorganic salt. As part of the sensitivity studies two different mi
crophysical models were used, as well as the dynamic flow fields from
two different air flow models. As in previous studies we found that th
e measured droplet spectra were broader and contained larger drops tha
n the modelled spectra. From the sensitivity studies we identified flu
ctuations in the dynamics as the most likely explanation for these dif
ferences. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.