Inclusive Sigma(+) and Sigma(0) production in hadronic Z decays

Acciarri, M Achard, P Adriani, O Aguilar-Benitez, M Alcaraz, J Alemanni, G Allaby, J Aloisio, A Alviggi, MG Ambrosi, G Anderhub, H Andreev, VP Angelescu, T Anselmo, F Arefiev, A Azemoon, T Aziz, T Bagnaia, P Bajo, A Baksay, L Balandras, A Banerjee, S Banerjee, S Barczyk, A Barillere, R Barone, L Bartalini, P Basile, M Battiston, R Bay, A Becattini, F Becker, U Behner, F Bellucci, L Berbeco, R Berdugo, J Berges, P Bertucci, B Betev, BL Bhattacharya, S Biasini, M Biland, A Blaising, JJ Blyth, SC Bobbink, GJ Bohm, A Boldizsar, L Borgia, B Bourilkov, D Bourquin, M Braccini, S Branson, JG Brigljevic, V Brochu, F Buffini, A Buijs, A Burger, JD Burger, WJ Cai, XD Campanelli, M Capell, M Romeo, GC Carlino, G Cartacci, AM Casaus, J Castellini, G Cavallari, F Cavallo, N Cecchi, C Cerrada, M Cesaroni, F Chamizo, M Chang, YH Chaturvedi, UK Chemarin, M Chen, A Chen, G Chen, GM Chen, HF Chen, HS Chiefari, G Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Civinini, C Clare, I Clare, R Coignet, G Colijn, AP Colino, N Costantini, S Cotorobai, F Cozzoni, B de la Cruz, B Csilling, A Cucciarelli, S Dai, TS van Dalen, JA D'Alessandro, R de Asmundis, R Deglon, P Degre, A Deiters, K della Volpe, D Denes, P DeNotaristefani, F De Salvo, A Diemoz, M van Dierendonck, D Di Lodovico, F Dionisi, C Dittmar, M Dominguez, A Doria, A Dova, MT Duchesneau, D Dufournaud, D Duinker, P Duran, I El Mamouni, H Engler, A Eppling, FJ Erne, FC Extermann, P Fabre, M Faccini, R Falagan, MA Falciano, S Favara, A Fay, J Fedin, O Felcini, M Ferguson, T Ferroni, F Fesefeldt, H Fiandrini, E Field, JH Filthaut, F Fisher, PH Fisk, I Forconi, G Fredj, L Freudenreich, K Furetta, C Galaktionov, Y Ganguli, SN Garcia-Abia, P Gataullin, M Gau, SS Gentile, S Gheordanescu, N Giagu, S Gong, ZF Grenier, G Grimm, O Gruenewald, MW Guida, M van Gulik, R Gupta, VK Gurtu, A Gutay, LJ Haas, D Hasan, A Hatzifotiadou, D Hebbeker, T Herve, A Hidas, P Hirschfelder, J Hofer, H Holzner, G Hoorani, H Hou, SR Hu, Y Iashvili, I Jin, BN Jones, LW de Jong, P Josa-Mutuberria, I Khan, RA Kaur, M Kienzle-Focacci, MN Kim, D Kim, JK Kirkby, J Kiss, D Kittel, W Klimentov, A Konig, AC Kopp, A Koutsenko, V Kraber, M Kraemer, RW Krenz, W Kruger, A Kunin, A de Guevara, PL Laktineh, I Landi, G Lassila-Perini, K Lebeau, M Lebedev, A Lebrun, P Lecomte, P Lecoq, P Le Coultre, P Lee, HJ Le Goff, JM Leiste, R Leonardi, E Levtchenko, P Li, C Likhoded, S Lin, CH Lin, WT Linde, FL Lista, L Liu, ZA Lohmann, W Longo, E Lu, YS Lubelsmeyer, K Luci, C Luckey, D Lugnier, L Luminari, L Lustermann, W Ma, WG Maity, M Malgeri, L Malinin, A Mana, C Mangeol, D Mans, J Marchesini, P Marian, G Martin, JP Marzano, F Massaro, GGG Mazumdar, K McNeil, RR Mele, S Merola, L Meschini, M Metzger, WJ von der Mey, M Mihul, A Milcent, H Mirabelli, G Mnich, J Mohanty, GB Molnar, P Monteleoni, B Moulik, T Muanza, GS Muheim, F Muijs, AJM Musy, M Napolitano, M Nessi-Tedaldi, F Newman, H Niessen, T Nisati, A Nowak, H Organtini, G Oulianov, A Palomares, C Pandoulas, D Paoletti, S Paolucci, P Paramatti, R Park, HK Park, IH Pascale, G Passaleva, G Patricelli, S Paul, T Pauluzzi, M Paus, C Pauss, F Pedace, M Pensotti, S Perret-Gallix, D Petersen, B Piccolo, D Pierella, F Pieri, M Piroue, PA Pistolesi, E Plyaskin, V Pohl, M Pojidaev, V Postema, H Pothier, J Produit, N Prokofiev, DO Prokofiev, D Quartieri, J Rahal-Callot, G Rahaman, MA Raics, P Raja, N Ramelli, R Rancoita, PG Raspereza, A Raven, G Razis, P Ren, D Rescigno, M Reucroft, S van Rhee, T Riemann, S Riles, K Robohm, A Rodin, J Roe, BP Romero, L Rosca, A Rosier-Lees, S Rubio, JA Ruschmeier, D Rykaczewski, H Saremi, S Sarkar, S Salicio, J Sanchez, E Sanders, MP Sarakinos, ME Schafer, C Schegelsky, V Schmidt-Kaerst, S Schmitz, D Schopper, H Schotanus, DJ Schwering, G Sciacca, C Sciarrino, D Seganti, A Servoli, L Shevchenko, S Shivarov, N Shoutko, V Shumilov, E Shvorob, A Siedenburg, T Son, D Smith, B Spillantini, P Steuer, M Stickland, DP Stone, A Stone, H Stoyanov, B Straessner, A Sudhakar, K Sultanov, G Sun, LZ Suter, H Swain, JD Szillasi, Z Sztaricskai, T Tang, XW Tauscher, L Taylor, L Tellili, B Timmermans, C Ting, SCC Ting, SM Tonwar, SC Toth, J Tully, C Tung, KL Uchida, Y Ulbricht, J Valente, E Vesztergombi, G Vetlitsky, I Vicinanza, D Viertel, G Villa, S Vivargent, M Vlachos, S Vodopianov, I Vogel, H Vogt, H Vorobiev, I Vorobyov, AA Vorvolakos, A Wadhwa, M Wallraff, W Wang, M Wang, XL Wang, ZM Weber, A Weber, M Wienemann, P Wilkens, H Wu, SX Wynhoff, S Xia, L Xu, ZZ Yamamoto, J Yang, BZ Yang, CG Yang, HJ Yang, M Ye, JB Yeh, SC Zalite, A Zalite, Y Zhang, ZP Zhu, GY Zhu, RY Zichichi, Z Zilizi, G Zoller, M
M. Acciarri et al., Inclusive Sigma(+) and Sigma(0) production in hadronic Z decays, PHYS LETT B, 479(1-3), 2000, pp. 79-88
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Journal title
ISSN journal
03702693 → ACNP
Year of publication
79 - 88
SICI code
We report on measurements of the inclusive production rate of Sigma(+) and Sigma(0) baryons in hadronic Z decays collected with the L3 detector at LEP . The Sigma(+) baryons are detected through the decay Sigma(+) -->p pi(0), while the Sigma(0) baryons are detected via the decay mode Sigma(0) -->Lamb da gamma. The average numbers of Sigma(+) and Sigma(0) per hadronic Z decay are measured to be: [NSigma+]+[ NSigma+] = 0.114 +/- 0.011(stat) +/- 0.009(syst) [N-Sigma 0] + [N-Sigma 0] = 0.095 +/- 0.015(stat) +/- 0.013(syst). These rates are found to be higher than the predictions from Monte Carlo ha dronization models and analytical parameterizations of strange baryon produ ction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.