The single-cell trichomes in wild-type Arabidopsis are either unbranched or
have two to five branches. Using transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing
a green fluorescent protein-microtubule-associated protein4 fusion protein,
which decorates the microtubular cytoskeleton, we observed that during tri
chome branching, microtubules reorient with respect to the longitudinal gro
wth axis. Considering branching to be a localized microtubule-dependent gro
wth reorientation event, we investigated the effects of microtubule-interac
ting drugs on branch induction in trichomes. In unbranched trichomes of the
mutant stichel, a change in growth directionality, closely simulating bran
ch initiation, could be elicited by a short treatment with paclitaxel, a mi
crotubule-stabilizing drug, but not with microtubule-disrupting drugs. The
growth reorientation appeared to be linked to increased microtubule stabili
zation and to aster formation in the treated trichomes. Taxol-induced micro
tubule stabilization also led to the initiation of new branch points in the
zwichel mutant of Arabidopsis, which is defective in a kinesin-like microt
ubule motor protein and possesses trichomes that are less branched. Our obs
ervations suggest that trichome cell branching in Arabidopsis might be medi
ated by transiently stabilized microtubular structures, which may form a co
mponent of a multiprotein complex required to reorient freshly polymerizing
microtubules into new growth directions.