Two independent broiler chicken populations were genotyped with microsatell
ite markers to determine genetic polymorphisms within and among broiler pop
ulations. Birds were genotyped with primers from the US Poultry Genome Mapp
ing Kits 1 and 2. The 59 primer sets selected for this study provided wide
genomic, coverage. All 59 primer sets amplified a polymerase chain reaction
product in Population L, whereas 57 primer sets produced a product in Popu
lation C. The average allele number per line per microsatellite was 2.8 and
2.9 for Populations L and C, respectively. Considering the 57 primer pairs
generating product in both lines, 72.3% of the total alleles were unique t
o one or the other population. This study illustrates the high polymorphism
level in broiler populations of microsatellites amplified from primers dev
eloped from Red Jungle Fowl or White Leghorn sequences.