Background: Recent findings that early-in-life virus infections represent a
risk factor for Crohn disease, that exacerbations of disease sometimes app
ear associated with common viral infections, and, in particular, suggestion
s that Crohn disease may be the result of persistent infection with measles
virus prompted serologic studies for antibody to 19 common viruses, Chlamy
dia psittaci, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Methods: Sera from 14 affected mem
bers of 2 French families with a high frequency of Crohn disease and from a
ge- and sex-matched controls, taken in 1990 and 1992, and from unaffected f
amily members were rested. Complement fixation, enzyme immunoassay, and ind
irect immunofluorescent tests were used. Results: There were no significant
differences between patients and controls or between affected and unaffect
ed family members of family 2, with the exception that affected siblings ca
rried higher antibody titers for mycoplasma one year and for varicella anot
her year. There were no differences in measles IgM and IgG or mumps IgG ant
ibody levels between patients and controls, or between patients and unaffec
ted family members. Conclusions: Serology failed to find evidence of partic
ipation by 19 common viruses, C. psittaci, and M. pneumoniae in Crohn disea
se. The data do not support the hypothesis that persistent measles virus in
fection causes Crohn disease.