An important variation of preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms is i
nexact preconditioner implemented with inner-outer iterations [G. H. Golub
and M. L. Overton, Numerical Analysis, Lecture Notes in Math. 912, Springer
, Berlin, New York, 1982], where the preconditioner is solved by an inner i
teration to a prescribed precision. In this paper, we formulate an inexact
preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for a symmetric positive defini
te system and analyze its convergence property. We establish a linear conve
rgence result using a local relation of residual norms. We also analyze the
algorithm using a global equation and show that the algorithm may have the
superlinear convergence property when the inner iteration is solved to hig
h accuracy. The analysis is in agreement with observed numerical behavior o
f the algorithm. In particular, it suggests a heuristic choice of the stopp
ing threshold for the inner iteration. Numerical examples are given to show
the effectiveness of this choice and to compare the convergence bound.