In this paper penalized weighted least-squares is used to jointly estimate
nonparametric functions from contemporaneously correlated data. Under condi
tions generally encountered in practice, it is shown that these joint estim
ates have smaller posterior variances than those of marginal estimates and
are therefore more efficient. We describe three methods: generalized maximu
m likelihood (GML), generalized cross validation (GCV) and leaving-out-one-
pair cross validation (CV) to estimate the smoothing parameters, the weight
ing parameter and the correlation parameter simultaneously. Based on simula
tions we conclude that the GML method has smaller mean-square errors for th
e nonparametric functions and the parameters and needs less computational t
ime than the other methods. Also, it does not overfit data when the sample
size is small. Our research is motivated by and is applied to the problem o
f estimating associations between hormones. We find that the circadian rhyt
hms of the hormones ACTH and cortisol have similar patterns and that cortis
ol lags ACTH.