Background. Various therapeutic methods are used in isolated left hepatolit
hiasis (ILH), and long-term results are not as satisfactory as they should
Methods. A retrospective analysis of 128 patients with ILH who were treated
in our center over the last 22 years was undertaken to address patient age
, gender; preoperative evaluation, operative findings, treatment modalities
, and postoperative courses.
Results. Sixty of the 128 patients were male and GR were female, with a mea
n age of 42 years (range, 16-72 years), Among these patients, most (81 %) h
ad stones in both left external hepatic duct (LEHD) and left medial hepatic
duct; in contrast 13 patients (10%) had stones only in the LEHD, and 7 pat
ients (6%) had stones only in the left hepatic duct. Concomitant strictures
were present in the left hepatic duct, left medial hepatic duct, and LEHD
in 60%, 76%, and 82 %, respectively, most of which were severe. When compar
ed with left lateral segmentectomy, left hepatic lobectomy had a lower rate
of residual stones (4 % vs 22 %; P < .01). Residual/recurrent stones and d
uctal strictures were the 2 most common causes that affected the long-term
results. Before June 1996, left lateral segmentectomy was performed more fr
equently than left hepatic lobectomy (59% vs 12 %; P < .01); after June 199
6, left hepatic lobectomy was performed more frequently (77% vs 13%; P < .0
1). Although there were no differences in length of operation, intraoperati
ve Bleeding, and postoperative complications, residual stones were more com
mon after left lateral segmentectomy.
Conclusions. Left hepatic lobectomy appears to be the most effective treatm
ent for selected patients with ILH, if other operative procedures cannot re
move all the related lesions, which include stones, dilation, stricture, or
potential cholangiocarcinoma.