J. Frederickson et al., COMBINING VERMICULTURE WITH TRADITIONAL GREEN WASTE COMPOSTING SYSTEMS, Soil biology & biochemistry, 29(3-4), 1997, pp. 725-730
Freshly-shredded green waste (yard waste) was composted for 16 weeks u
sing a mechanically-turned windrow system. The rate of organic matter
stabilisation was determined by measuring the reduction in the volatil
e solids content of the waste. Samples of the fresh material were also
vermicomposted using Eisenia andrei (Bouche) and rates of growth and
reproduction obtained which were comparable to published rates for oth
er wastes. Vermicomposting for 8 weeks produced a material with a sign
ificantly lower volatile solids content compared to composting fora si
milar period (P < 0.01). A combined composting and vermicomposting sys
tem was investigated by extracting partially-composted samples from th
e compost windrow every 2 weeks and feeding these to E. andrei. Growth
and reproduction were found to be positively correlated to the volati
le solids content of the waste (P ( 0.01). Vermicomposting partially c
omposted waste (2 weeks), for a further 6 weeks, reduced volatile soli
ds content significantly more than for composting fresh waste for a we
eks (P < 0.001). It is concluded that E. andrei is capable of attainin
g good rates of growth and reproduction in fresh green waste and that
vermicomposting can result in a more stable material (lower volatile s
olids content) compared to composting. Combining vermicomposting with
existing composting operations can also accelerate stabilisation compa
red to composting alone. The duration of pre-composting will determine
the subsequent rate of growth and reproduction of E. andrei. To ensur
e that the vermicomposting system operates at maximum efficiency, pre-
composting should be kept to a minimum, consistent with effective sani
tisation of the waste. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.